Focus Essential Oil Roll On

8 ml | $35.00

Distracted?  Instead of relying on coffee or other methods to eliminate brain fog, and improve memory and attention give this Focus blend a try. We know, it’s hard to break up with coffee. But we promise there are other fish in the sea and oils in the air. 

*Is not recommended for children under 2 years of age.

What it does
✅Improves Focus
✅Better Memory and Concentration
✅Fight Brain Fog

 Fresh, Natural and Organic Ingredients

 Loved by over 1000 customers worldwide

 30-Day Happiness Guarantee

How to Apply

For maximum benefits, apply generously, rolling on in a circular motion, five times each, to temples, side and back of neck. Inhale deeply after each application. Reapply frequently throughout the day to promote concentration. Best not to use within 2 hours of bedtime.

Still Unsure?

Don't listen to us, listen to the reviews.

Let Us Answer Your Questions!

  • Why and How would you use Focus?  
  • Can I use more than one blend at a time?
  • Are K Sahai blends considered perfume?
  • Are your blends travel-friendly?
  • Where do I apply my blends?
  • Is it possible to use too much K Sahai?
  • Still have questions?

At K Sahai we know you want to be able to work and study with clarity and concentration. In order to do that, you need Focus. The problem is many of us suffer from brain fog and distractions which can make you feel frustrated and unproductive. We believe everyone deserves to feel clear and energetic so they can do their best work. We know how hard it is to manage your day, which is why we developed Focus.  Here’s how it works: 1) Roll the blend on your neck, behind your ears and on your wrists throughout the day  2) Say the affirmation: I have clarity and energy. 3) Inhale and get clear and focused.

Please do! Some blends don’t make sense in combination (say Focus and Sleep). However, we encourage you to have fun and layer the blends freely, customizing the combination for your individual needs.

While we love the scents of our blends, we don’t refer to them as “fragrances”. Perfumes have alcohol in them to allow the scent to linger on the skin. Our blends are alcohol-free because we want them to actually absorb into the skin and start healing immediately.

Of course! They are our favorite travel accessory (especially De-Stress, Breathe, and Sleep). All our blends meet TSA requirements and come in secure packaging, so they won’t break in your luggage.

It’s different for each blend, each one has specific instructions on its individual page and box. As a general rule, you can apply them to pulse points (wrists, temples, back of the neck). Be sure to take a nice deep inhale to get those aromatic scent molecules flowing to the brain!

Nope! You can’t OD on K Sahai. Our formulations are super safe; feel free to roll on and inhale as needed throughout the day, but please don’t drink them!

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