Transcendental Meditation Mantras

Transcendental Meditation Mantras

What is Transcendental Meditation?

Transcendental Meditation (TM) is a specific form of mantra meditation introduced in the mid-20th century by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. TM has gained immense popularity worldwide for its simplicity and the profound benefits it offers to its practitioners.

How Does Transcendental Meditation Work?

TM involves the silent repetition of a mantra for about 20 minutes twice a day. The goal is to reach a state of restful alertness where the mind is calm and silent yet fully awake. This quieting of the mind allows one to tap into deeper levels of consciousness, bringing about enhanced clarity, peace, and overall well-being.

What happens during the practice of transcendental meditation?

During TM, the individual sits comfortably with their eyes closed and silently repeats their chosen mantra. As one progresses in their practice, the mantra becomes a gentle thought, leading the mind to settle down and dive into a quieter state of awareness. The practice takes the individual beyond the surface level of thought into a state of pure consciousness, which is both peaceful and invigorating.

Choosing the Right Transcendental Mantras

The right mantra is essential for effective TM. Traditionally, mantras are chosen based on various factors, including age, gender, and personal goals.

Best 7 Transcendental Meditation Mantras

  1. Om - This is the universal sound, representing the totality of creation.
  2. Aim - Resonates with the feminine energy and creativity.
  3. Shreem - Attracts abundance and prosperity.
  4. Hrim - Embodies purification and transformation.
  5. Klim - Invokes attraction and desire.
  6. Krim - Stimulates action and manifestation.
  7. Hum - Dispels negativity and offers protection.

12 Transcendental Meditation Mantras List By Age Group

While TM teachers traditionally choose mantras based on age and other factors, a comprehensive list by age group remains a closely guarded secret within the TM organization. 


  1. Shreem - Associated with creativity and abundance.
  2. Eem - Aids in enhancing intelligence and learning.

Young Adult

  1. Kleem - Focuses on love, relationships, and attraction.
  2. Aing - Enhances self-confidence and inner strength.


  1. Om - Represents the ultimate reality and unity.


  1. Aim - Fosters clarity, insight, and wisdom.
  2. Aum - Encourages spiritual growth and awareness.
  3. Sham - Facilitates inner peace and tranquility.
  4. So Hum - Connects with the breath and universal consciousness.


3 Popular Advanced Mantras To Use For Transcendental Meditation

  1. Gayatri Mantra - A Vedic hymn that invokes spiritual illumination.
  2. Om Namah Shivaya - Honors Shiva, the transformative aspect of the divine.
  3. Shanti Mantra - A prayer for peace in the body, mind, and soul.

What are the essential oils to use with Transcendental Meditation?

Before TM, creating the right ambiance can significantly enhance one's meditative experience. Essential oils, with their potent aromatic properties, have emerged as valuable allies in this quest. Among these, frankincense essential oil holds a revered position. Often referred to as the "king of essential oils," frankincense is known for its grounding properties, making it an ideal companion during TM. Its deep, resinous aroma promotes a sense of peace and helps in attaining deeper states of meditation. To further elevate the experience, blending frankincense with the calming properties of lavender and the euphoric fragrances of ylang-ylang creates a harmonious aromatic symphony. This trio not only assists in achieving a relaxed state of mind but also fosters a serene environment, making every TM session a rejuvenating sensory journey. You can find these oils in De-Stress Essential Oil and roll on your wrists and behind your ears before you begin TM.

Why Beeja Mantras Are Used For TM meditation?

Beeja (or seed) mantras are sound frequencies that resonate with certain energies or vibrations. They are used in TM because of their potency in aligning with specific qualities or intentions. When chanted, they produce a vibrational quality that assists in meditative focus and deepening one's practice.

How to Use Transcendental Meditation Mantras.

Begin by finding a quiet place where you won't be disturbed. Sit comfortably, close your eyes, and gently start repeating your chosen mantra in your mind. There's no need to vocalize it. When thoughts arise, gently bring your focus back to the mantra. Continue this for about 20 minutes, then sit silently for a minute before opening your eyes.

Benefits of Transcendental Meditation Mantras

  • Improved sleep quality - Many practitioners report better and deeper sleep.
  • Reduced risk of heart attack and stroke - TM can lower blood pressure and reduce stress, contributing to cardiovascular health.
  • Improved brain function - Enhanced focus, creativity, and memory are often reported by those practicing TM.

Transcendental Meditation and its associated mantras have been a source of peace, clarity, and rejuvenation for millions across the globe. By incorporating these mantras into your daily routine, you can embark on a transformative journey towards a healthier and more harmonious life.

FAQs about Transcendental Meditation:

  1. What is the best time to practice TM?

    • Ideally, TM is practiced twice a day, once in the morning and once in the evening, to help bookend the day with moments of peace and clarity.

  2. Do I need any special equipment or setup for TM?

    • No, all you need is a comfortable place to sit where you won't be disturbed. However, some people prefer to create a serene environment using cushions, candles, or essential oils.
  3. How is TM different from other meditation techniques?

    • TM uses specific mantras and is practiced for 20 minutes twice a day. It's designed to transcend or go beyond thought, leading to a state of restful alertness.

FAQs about Essential Oils in Meditation:

  1. How do I use essential oils during TM?

    • Essential oils can be diffused in the room using an oil diffuser, applied topically (after diluting with a carrier oil), or inhaled directly by taking a few deep breaths from the bottle before starting the meditation.
  2. Why is frankincense often recommended for meditation?

    • Frankincense has grounding properties and has been used for centuries in spiritual practices. Its aroma promotes deep breathing and relaxation, aiding in meditation.
  3. Are there any precautions to consider when using essential oils?

    • Yes, always ensure you're using theraptherapeutic grade Some people may be allergic or sensitive to specific oils. It's always a good idea to do a patch test before topical application. Also, some oils can be photosensitive, so be cautious about sun exposure after application.
  4. Can I mix different essential oils for meditation?

    • Absolutely. Many people find that blending oils, like frankincense with lavender and ylang ylang, can create a harmonious and beneficial aroma that enhances their meditation experience.